ACE Logo

Accurate Control & Electrification, Inc.

Applications Engineering driven Sales Representation
in the
Western United States of America
ENGINEERING SERVICES: Solid Modeling - Engineering Graphics - Process Documentation - Marketing Diagrams
PLANT SERVICES: Facility Assessments - Whole Plant Models - Machine Assessments - Network Characterization
SYSTEM INTEGRATION: Food Processing - Machine Tools - Industrial Networking - Training
COMPONENTS: Electrification - Switchgear - Industrial Control Panels

Automation Control & ElectroMechanical Devices and Solutions for Industry

Home Documentation Food Processing Networking Assessments Machine Tools Electrification Control Panels Lines Territory The West Contact Us

Contact Us

We would be pleased to give you due consideration if you would be so kind as to contact us


Edwin El-Kareh

C: 1-408-774-9300

Applications Engineer


You do not read English.
We still want to talk with you.
Send us a message in your language.
Try to use short sentences.
Use pictures if you can.
We use Google Translate to respond.
Can you forgive the bad quality.
Where there is a will, there is a way.
Language is not a barrier to doing business.

Sie lesen kein Englisch.
Wir möchten immer noch mit Ihnen sprechen.
Senden Sie uns eine Nachricht in Ihrer Sprache.
Versuche kurze Sätze zu verwenden.
Verwenden Sie Bilder, wenn Sie können.
Wir verwenden Google Translate, um zu antworten.
Können Sie die schlechte Qualität vergeben.
Wo ein Wille ist, ist auch ein Weg.
Sprache ist kein Hindernis für das Geschäft.

Non leggi l'inglese.
Vogliamo ancora parlare con te.
Inviaci un messaggio nella tua lingua.
Prova a usare frasi brevi.
Usa le immagini se puoi.
Usiamo Google Translate per rispondere.
Riesci a perdonare la cattiva qualità.
Dove c'è una volontà, c'è un modo.
La lingua non è una barriera per fare affari.

Vous ne lisez pas l'anglais.
Nous voulons toujours vous parler.
Envoyez-nous un message dans votre langue.
Essayez d'utiliser des phrases courtes.
Utilisez des images si vous le pouvez.
Nous utilisons Google Translate pour répondre.
Pouvez-vous pardonner la mauvaise qualité.
Là où il y a une volonté, il y a un moyen.
La langue n'est pas un obstacle à la conduite des affaires.

Silicon Valley
Apple II campus located 2000 feet SW from the ACE office (just beyond the left edge of the picture)
Arne Müseler / / CC BY-SA 3.0 DE

ACE is located right in the middle of Silicon Valley.
Traffic is horrible, but being in the middle makes the distance smaller.

Being central to tech giants Apple, Google, LinkedIn, Microsoft, Salesforce, Adobe, Intel, Yahoo, Trimble, Cisco, Autodesk,
leading universities Stanford and Berkeley and
online education pioneers Khan Academy and Coursera
gives us insight into the latest thought leadership as to where markets are moving and access to opportunities and innovation through our social networks.

The tech giants do not use much of our products, but we certainly use many of their products to be more creative, competitive and efficient.
Our favorite tech tools are: