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Accurate Control & Electrification, Inc.

Applications Engineering driven Sales Representation
in the
Western United States of America
ENGINEERING SERVICES: Solid Modeling - Engineering Graphics - Process Documentation - Marketing Diagrams
PLANT SERVICES: Facility Assessments - Whole Plant Models - Machine Assessments - Network Characterization
SYSTEM INTEGRATION: Food Processing - Machine Tools - Industrial Networking - Training
COMPONENTS: Electrification - Switchgear - Industrial Control Panels

Automation Control & ElectroMechanical Devices and Solutions for Industry

Home Documentation Food Processing Networking Assessments Machine Tools Electrification Control Panels Lines Territory The West Contact Us

Expand into the American West

One of the most lucrative economic zones in the world

An ideal place for people willing to work hard for the opportunity to succeed

The wonders of the Grand Canyon cannot be adequately represented in symbols of speech, nor by speech itself. The resources of the graphic art are taxed beyond their powers in attempting to portray its features. Language and illustration combined must fail.
John Wesley Powell (1834-1902) soldier, geologist, explorer, professor and second USGS director.
Leader of the 1869 river expedition of the Grand Canyon

That was then.
Today, our vendors have plenty tools & skills to represent new technical ideas, products, concepts, analysis, processes, situations, facilities and opportunities.

Above all things, the Plainsmen had to have in instinct for direction. I never had a compass in my life, but I was never lost.
Charles Goodnight (1836-1929) cattle-drive trail blazer, Texas panhandle rancher and inventor of the chuck wagon

Fast is fine, but accuracy is everything.
Wyatt Earp (1848-1929) boom-town lawman, gambler, saloon owner, miner, and boxing referee

Our vendors aim to be accurate, fast and affordable.
We also aim for being indispensible and pleasant to work with.

In 1904, the newly created Los Angeles Department of Water and Power issued its first public report. 'The time has come,' it said, 'when we shall have to supplement the supply from another source.' With that simple statement, William Mulholland was about to become a modern Moses. But instead of leading his people to the promised land, he would cleave the desert and lead the promised waters to them.
Marc Reisner (1948-2000) environmentalist & author of the 1986 book Cadillac Desert:The American West and Its Disappearing Water

Water is still scarce, but more important than ever.
Water purification & treatment and process water efficiency are low-risk steady-growth industries in the American West.

One cannot be pessimistic about the West. This is the native home of hope. When it fully learns that cooperation, not rugged individualism, is the quality that most characterizes and preserves it, then it will have achieved itself and outlived its origins. Then it has a chance to create a society to match its scenery.
Wallace Stegner (1909-1993) writer & environmentalist, author of 1997 book The Sound of Mountain Water, The Changing American West

The rich California high-tech industry thrives primarily because of coopetition =
cooperative competition -> taking advantage of complementary resources to lower costs & foster innovation, while still planing future competition

Go West, Young Man

Favorable Circumstances of Prosperity for Those Who Plan, Prepare and Provision

The Old West
John Ford's Point in Monument Valley Navajo Tribal Park. southern border of Utah with northern Arizona, USA.
I, Luca Galuzzi / CC BY-SA

The Old West - symbolized by the lone cowboy in the vast wilderness
Known worldwide through movies, pictures and stories

The New West
Class 100 cleanroom, Center for Nano-MicroManufacturing, UC Davis
UC Davis College of Engineering / CC BY

The New West - symbolized by Silicon Valley
Known worldwide through consumer electronics products

Out where the handclasp's a little stronger,
Out where the smile dwells a little longer,
That's where the West begins;

Out where the sun is a little brighter,
Where the snows that fall are a trifle whiter,
Where the bonds of home are a wee bit tighter,
That's where the West begins.

Out where the skies are a trifle bluer,
Out where the friendship's a little truer,
That's where the West begins;

Out where a fresher breeze is blowing,
Where there's laughter in every streamlet flowing,
Where there's more of reaping and less of sowing,
That's where the West begins.

Out where the world is in the making,
Where fewer hearts in despair are aching,
That's where the West begins.

Where there's more of singing and less of sighing,
Where there's more of giving and less of buying,
Where a man makes a friend without half trying,
That's where the West begins.